Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Rick Warren selection

The media and many pundits on the left are going on and on about how inappropriate Rick Warren is to deliver the invocation at Obama's inauguration. They are outraged at the symbolism of someone so opposed to many of Obama's positions being placed front and center at this extraordinary moment in history.

Once again..... Bravo President-elect! I support Obama's position completely and find myself in increasing awe. I am angry at the 'lefties' who want to continue the politics of division we have so long suffered, who want to now wield the power so hard won in a way that dismisses and discounts the opposition - in a way that treats them the way they've treated us.

With Pastor Warren, Obama is signaling that he will be a president for ALL the citizens of this country. He is signaling that he wants to listen to all the people - not just those who agree with him. He is being extraordinarily magnanimous- much more than I would be with a similar choice to make. Inviting conservatives to the table does not mean they're going to plan the menu.

This is entirely consistent with Obama's overarching theme of inclusiveness. This, above all, is the reason I am such a fervent supporter. I am more than pleased to see him act in concert with these values. Liberal, moderate or conservative - we are all US citizens and our new president is clearly going to respect that.
