The Tea-party caucus wants what it wants when it wants it with no regard for anyone else or the consequences of their actions. If they were kids - we'd accurately call them spoiled brats. Also like spoiled brats, it wasn't enough to get almost everything they wanted - they have to have absolutely all or nothing. I'm sick of the obstructionist temper tantrums. Government, by design, requires compromise to work. If a member of congress is unwilling to compromise - they've chosen the wrong profession and are incompetent to perform the requirements of their job.
It is silly, and dangerous, to say or even imply that the U.S. will not pay the bills it has already incurred. That is ALL a debt ceiling increase does. It does not authorize one penny of additional spending. I'm all for sane, thought-through spending cuts and entitlement reform but there is a right way and a wrong way to do things. This is the wrong way.
16 years ago