Monday, September 15, 2008

Harry Truman Quote

I grew up in Independence, Missouri, Truman's home town. I even graduated from Truman High School. One of his quotes is certainly worth repeating at this moment in history. Straight from the Truman Library:

I wonder how many times you have to be hit on the head before you find out who's hitting you? It's about time that the people of America realized what the Republicans have been doing to them."

- Harry Truman
Address at Dexter, Iowa -- September 18, 1948

Friday, September 12, 2008

Gutter Politics

The worst part about being so openly liberal is that the people who need to hear the FACTS we have to say will probably not even listen. Here are some great videos exposing a bunch of McCain's Rovian fiction for what it is. LIES!

Even if I give McCain EVERY benefit of the doubt - the single fact that he is using Bush's abhorrent Karl Rove as a campaign adviser, proves beyond all feasible doubt that McCain is more of the same. Don't let the liars get away with this again. ENOUGH!

Rovian Politics Revealed

This clip from Jon Stewart's The Daily Show reveals Rove, as well as, Fox's O'Reilly and more for the liars they are. Too true to be funny. Caught in their tried and true tactics of stating lies as fact and enough people will believe you to make the difference. I don't understand the people who refuse to even scratch the tiniest bit of surface gloss away to reveal the bullshit inside. McCain may be a good man - but the campaign tactics are beneath contempt. Rove has now admitted to consulting with the McCain campaign regularly. This is not spin -- this is pandering. This is disgusting.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hail Victory!

I know I will be branded as an extreme liberal, but I have to say it anyway. I have never allowed others to define me and my comparisons here are actually quite dispassionate and logical. Try for just a moment to really think about this comparison and give me the benefit of the doubt.

I once liked McCain. Really! I once respected his well-earned maverick status. His heroic service to the country earned him a great deal of slack, rightfully. I once believed him an honorable man. I don't know if he has really sold out or is just desperately flailing - grasping at the tried and true Republican play book of inflammatory deception. With his campaign's "Lipstick on a pig" accusations trying to paint Obama as insulting Palin with this often-used cliche has proven beyond all doubt that McCain will do absolutely anything to win. I am disgusted to the point of nausea. McCain has just used up any remaining slack he may have had. Victory at any cost. Victory through methods diametrically opposed to the 'family values', 'country first' and 'honor' they give so much lip service to. Victory through blatant lies pandering to the lowest common denominator. America is better than this. America does not deserve this lowest of the low. Politics is dirty, but this is beyond dirty. This is swift boating. This is using the same abhorrent Karl Rove politics that W used against McCain back when I was rooting for McCain to beat W.

The part that will get me labeled as an extremist is pointing out the simple fact that the literal German translation of 'Hail Victory!' is 'Sieg Heil!'. I flatly deny any accusation that I am comparing McCain the man to Hitler the man. The comparison is one of rhetorical device. The comparison is that the same inflammatory style allowing Hitler to deceive a nation is the same inflammatory style now being used by the McCain campaign. The same inflammatory deceit that elected George W. It is a fraud. McCain is a good man. I hope he wakes up and realizes that his current campaign tactics are beneath him. I hope the American people see these tactics for what they are. I hope all voters will dismiss any cheer-leading feel-good aspects of either side and choose our next president based on the issues.

Even if you honestly agree with the campaign's position - the tactics emphasizing such things in the face of the very serious problems facing this great nation are still pandering and beneath the American people. Even if you're convinced that Obama did exactly what the McCain campaign says he did - it is impossible to really know what is in a person's heart. The conclusions being presented as fact by the Republicans are actually an undeniably subjective interpretation. The real disrespect here is that the McCain campaign refuses to take Obama at his word.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Palin on Iraq: "Task that is from God"

I'm going to do something I don't often do.... I'm going to conditionally retract this post. Based upon the fact that Palin is finally granting interviews -- she has addressed this and put it in a larger context saying she would never presume to know what God wants. Just as I criticize others for not taking people at their word.... I will take Governor Palin at her word and give her the benefit of the doubt, at least for now. The conceptual warning regarding the separation of church and state still holds, but I will no longer cite Palin as an example.

Edited: 9/11/2008

From the Associated Press:
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin told ministry students at her former church that the United States sent troops to fight in the Iraq war on a "task that is from God."

In an address last June, the Republican vice presidential candidate also urged ministry students to pray for a plan to build a $30 billion natural gas pipeline in the state, calling it "God's will."
I gave Palin a fighting chance. I listened to her with an open mind and heart. I know she is sincere -- which is all the more reason she is unfit to hold ANY public office, even less the Vice Presidency. I believe this is fact - not just opinion.

The second any public official believes they have a direct pipeline to God and makes judgments based on that little voice they hear - they are violating their oath of office. The second any public official puts even one American life in harm's way because they believe God is telling them it is the right thing to do -- they should be tried for treason. The second any public official is allowed to implement ANY policy decision with an arrogance that believes their mortal knowledge has somehow been enhanced by God to include even a small piece of God's infinite wisdom -- we have instituted our own version of the Taliban.

Abraham Lincoln said it well:
"In great contests each party claims to act in accordance with the will of God. Both MAY be, and one MUST be wrong. " and "Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right."
Those who would not share Lincoln's concern; who would believe that they need not be concerned because they already know what God wants are not only arrogant, they are blasphemous, and they are dangerous. How dare ANY mere mortal presume they know what God wants?!?!? Dismissing the arrogance, accepting for the sake of argument that someone DOES literally know the specific will of God - it is still, unquestionably, an unconstitutional act in this country to implement the will of your own God through laws which may or may not be in keeping with the faith of others.

I don't doubt that this post will anger some of those who hold views similar to Palin's. I can't help that. I believe in 'freedom of religion' and 'separation of church and state' as fervently as the N.R.A. believes in the 'right to bear arms'. To legislate Christianity would be to turn our great republic into a theocracy. ALL have the right to their own beliefs. NONE have the right to impose their beliefs on others.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Republican Convention

I like McCain. I like Palin. I don't doubt their motivation or sincerity. I think they both gave excellent speeches at the Republican Convention and I liked a lot of what I heard. While I would argue with some of their specific attacks on their Democratic rivals, I'll leave that to the media pundits. In the spirit of understanding I'm choosing to make this blog about some of my more conceptual thoughts. Admittedly my own interpretation but, nonetheless, a valid and honest perspective.

McCain tried hard to pick up and own the issue of change. He spoke of crossing the aisle and I readily admit he has done that in the past. This is a key component of making Washington work again. This is THE key required to actually implement change. There must be a search for common ground. There must be compromise. The problem with McCain's speech was that he used the word 'fight' 22 times saying, basically, that he would "fight for YOU". Fight is not what we need. Fight is what we've had. Fight is not change. It might fire up the base, but it is indicative of a generally aggressive approach that necessarily means 'win-lose'. I don't care how strongly a position is held... no actual progress can possibly be made in a democracy by fighting with the other side. This antagonistic attitude is the opposite of change.

I was particularly distressed with the education section of McCain's speech. I believe his approach would make things much worse. He spoke of improving schools through 'competition'. Many will disagree but I think this defies common sense. I am, quite frankly, sick to death of the 'free market god' seemingly worshipped by many Republicans. Competition and privatization are no more a panacea for the world's problems than big government is. School vouchers or not.... competition in our school system can only bring further discrimination and inequality. Those with enough money will be able to send their kids to the "Neiman Marcus" or "Saks Fifth Avenue" of schools while the voucher-only crowd will be forced to attend the "Wal-Mart" school or maybe even "Dollar General". Even strict limitation of the argument to public schools still guarantees that schools will be forced to succumb to whatever is popular with parents and students instead of what's right and effective toward the best possible education. We need leadership to fix our badly broken education system - not competition.

McCain also used the word 'country' 25 times. He spoke eloquently of his heroic service to this country. He is to be commended and greatly appreciated for that service. We are all forever indebted to all those who have sacrificed to make this country great. Chants of 'U-S-A' were heard regularly throughout the speech. 'Country first' was a recurring theme. As a very generalized theory it seems 'Country First' may accurately represent the highest value of the Republican party as a whole. For the Democratic party I think the highest value might be better expressed as 'Humanity First'. No slam intended here at all. Of course Republicans care deeply about humanitarian issues just as Democrats love and sacrifice for their country. It is simply a matter of priorities.

I fully realize that political conventions are about putting the best possible spin on your candidate and the worst possible spin on the opponent, but the overall dismissive attitude toward Obama during the entire event was just silly and, I hope, offensive to many undecided voters. Obama was made a caricature of fluffy words with no substance to support them. Words are important; words can find common ground; words seek to understand and be understood; words affect change. I would much rather take such words to our potential adversaries than threats. Yes, evil exists and negotiations won't always work. I'm not naive and neither is Obama. Guns always remain an option when words fail... but without words -- the ONLY option is guns. To dismiss Obama's approach as unrealistic and naive is to guarantee that more precious lives will be lost than absolutely necessary. 'Negotiate from strength' is a quote often used to justify an aggressive foreign policy. To deny the power of words is to eliminate negotiation altogether. This is not strength - it is self-righteous stubbornness.

P.S. I have to close with this more petty dig that just ruffled my feathers the wrong way. Palin is being touted repeatedly as some kind of governmental savior because of her executive experience. Her role as governor seems to somehow guarantee that she knows how to break through the bureaucracy of government and get things done. Hmmmmmmmmm..... let me think..... As I recall - George W. was governor for 6 years before being elected president! 'nuff said!