I know I will be branded as an extreme liberal, but I have to say it anyway. I have never allowed others to define me and my comparisons here are actually quite dispassionate and logical. Try for just a moment to really think about this comparison and give me the benefit of the doubt.
I once liked McCain. Really! I once respected his well-earned maverick status. His heroic service to the country earned him a great deal of slack, rightfully. I once believed him an honorable man. I don't know if he has really sold out or is just desperately flailing - grasping at the tried and true Republican play book of inflammatory deception. With his campaign's "Lipstick on a pig" accusations trying to paint Obama as insulting Palin with this often-used cliche has proven beyond all doubt that McCain will do absolutely anything to win. I am disgusted to the point of nausea. McCain has just used up any remaining slack he may have had. Victory at any cost. Victory through methods diametrically opposed to the 'family values', 'country first' and 'honor' they give so much lip service to. Victory through blatant lies pandering to the lowest common denominator. America is better than this. America does not deserve this lowest of the low. Politics is dirty, but this is beyond dirty. This is swift boating. This is using the same abhorrent Karl Rove politics that W used against McCain back when I was rooting for McCain to beat W.
The part that will get me labeled as an extremist is pointing out the simple fact that the literal German translation of 'Hail Victory!' is 'Sieg Heil!'. I flatly deny any accusation that I am comparing McCain the man to Hitler the man. The comparison is one of rhetorical device. The comparison is that the same inflammatory style allowing Hitler to deceive a nation is the same inflammatory style now being used by the McCain campaign. The same inflammatory deceit that elected George W. It is a fraud. McCain is a good man. I hope he wakes up and realizes that his current campaign tactics are beneath him. I hope the American people see these tactics for what they are. I hope all voters will dismiss any cheer-leading feel-good aspects of either side and choose our next president based on the issues.
Even if you honestly agree with the campaign's position - the tactics emphasizing such things in the face of the very serious problems facing this great nation are still pandering and beneath the American people. Even if you're convinced that Obama did exactly what the McCain campaign says he did - it is impossible to really know what is in a person's heart. The conclusions being presented as fact by the Republicans are actually an undeniably subjective interpretation. The real disrespect here is that the McCain campaign refuses to take Obama at his word.
16 years ago
1 comment:
Now the McCain spinmeisters - or, more accurately, propagandists - are saying Obama should apologize, after admitting Obama's words may have been mis-interpreted, because "you are responsible for your words even if those words are misconstrued". This is ridiculous on it's face. When millions of people are listening to every word you say it is an inarguable fact that a significant percentage will certainly not understand them as intended. Language is an imperfect communication vehicle. Responsibility is equally shared by the listener as well as the speaker. The only possible way one can never be misunderstood is to never speak. Those who automatically attribute ill-motive to any speaker, whether in politics or in life, simply have no right to do so. Obama's history and all his previous statements about Palin demonstrate beyond doubt that he is, at the very least, deserving of that simple human courtesy.
McCain's campaign, on the other hand, has quite factually and repeatedly presented his remarks completely out of context as if their spin on this was obvious. It is disgusting. It is disrespectful. It is beneath the great office both of these candidates seek. It is even beneath dirty politics.
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