Saturday, August 23, 2008

Obama / Biden

I could not be more pleased and energized. I am still stunned by the amazing turnaround in my personal political fortunes. Four short years ago, my worst political fear and nightmare was realized with W's re-election. Four short years ago I watched a nationally unknown Senator Obama deliver a speech at the Democratic convention that caused me to ask out loud "Why doesn't he run for president?!?!?!" I thought it a rhetorical question at the time. I could not allow myself to hope that a man who so closely shared my personal values and vision for America could actually become a viable candidate. In four short years, not only has Barack Obama become the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.... now he has selected one of my all time favorites to be his running mate. Sen. Biden is the original straight-talk express. The media speaks of him as a 'gaff-machine'. His willingness to speak from his heart, to sometimes throw political correctness to the wind in favor of open honesty may get him in trouble from time to time - but it is partially why I often find myself cheering out loud when I see him interviewed. It is a part of why he has long been a favorite of mine. Biden's senate credentials are impeccable and no one disputes that he is well-loved and respected on both sides of the aisle.

I believe the choice of Biden demonstrates, again, Obama's extraordinary judgement - as well as a profound desire and willingness to surround himself with the best of the best. The choice demonstrates a decisively NON-naive understanding that to change Washington one must work within it. A look at history shows beyond question that our very best presidents are always much more about leadership and judgment than experience. There is absolutely no doubt in this voter's mind that Obama has the right gifts, the right values and the right vision to get this country back on track.

I am more proud than ever to be a Democrat. I am ashamed that four short years ago I had descended to a level of hopelessness that was not worthy of this great nation. I have been calling Obama/Biden my personal dream ticket since Obama first became a viable candidate. I'm stunned it has happened - but excited and... hope-full!!!

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