Thursday, November 6, 2008

President Obama

I'm still stunned. The media is well-articulating this historic shift in American politics represented by President-elect Obama's victory. Wow... that feels good to write. It has been a very long two years for this political junkie and I've never been more filled with hope for our country. My expectations, however, are easily kept in check. I'm old enough to have lost some of my idealism, but not my ideals. Agree or not - Obama's vision, values and priorities are nearly identical to my own and, for me, this is more than enough. Not since FDR has an incoming president faced such a daunting in-box as they enter the oval office. Succeed or fail, I know beyond doubt that President Obama will be working hard to move the bar in what I believe is the right direction! I hold out hope for a wildly successful administration but will be thrilled if President Obama only succeeds in reversing the disastrous direction of these last 8 years. Even that is a very tall order.

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